Monday, December 31, 2007

The New Year

Happy New Year to all former Genfast Slaves!!!

My wife and I are spending a quiet(broke) New Years at home with our grand-daughter and I realised that I should certainly add a note to the blog `regarding the New Year.

We certainly will remember the year past. Not in a good way for the most part but as I say in my blog profile, Genfast has given me the freedom to move on to something new and I hope, better.
I certainly miss the people if not the company.

This then is my prayer and hope for each of my former co-workers.
That whether you start slow or fast, I hope you each find that slot that you fit perfectly.
I hope that you enter a time in which you add value to others and are valued by others.
I hope you rediscover the passions that filled your early years and find a way to turn them into a life that rewards and nurtures peace in your being.
I hope you are all well and getting better and heading for a fantastic year.

Don't forget to share with us your successes.

Happy New Year


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Action Centre Web Site

I received an email from Gibb Love today, asking me to post the Action Centre's web address.
Action Centre
This is a temporary site until a permanent provider is found. Gibb recommends the "barter board".
As some of you know, Gibb was working toward a certificate in web design so if any of you have aspirations toward a presence on the web, why not give Gibb a call?


Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Heartwarming Article in the Expositor.

I think a nerve was struck, for them to reply to a small demonstration in lil ole Brantford.

They try to put a positive spin on what they do. While they were unhappy with the Brantford Expositor article on Tuesday, they don't offer up anything different then what I said. They just say it differently so it sounds palatable to the general public reading the article.

Here is the link.

Ontario is only one of two provinces (New Brunswick is the other) that has an elect to work clause.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas Party Reminder

12 NOON Till Close
44 Elgin ST

519 752 3333


Labour Ready Rally/Brantford Expositor

For those of you out of towners or don't receive a copy of the Brantford Expositor here is a link to their story.

The Photographer who took the photo that is in the Newsprint edition captured the event perfectly, which does not appear in the online version.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Hello Dave

Thanks for coming out to the rally regardless of the bad weather. While you missed most of the festivities here is a quick rundown of what happened.

Well we did it again.

A successful rally, with supporters from various community groups managed to come out from winters blizzard and send a Seasons Greetings Messages to the Temporary Staffing Agencies.Also in attendance where a half a dozen former Genfast/Easton Coating employees, some who came in on the off shift of their new jobs, to show support in holding temp agencies accountable for their lack of holiday spirit.

Temporary Employment/Staffing Agencies do not pay stat holiday pay and some of those that do create rules that are below the minimum written in the Employment Standards Act.It was good to see men and women with their holiday festival red hats coming out to support the spirit of giving this Christmas/New Years Holiday.

Meanwhile, Labour Ready, the place we choose to bring our holiday cheer, were overcome by Scrooge like tendencies, heckling and cat calling us as we spoke. Their smiles turned to sneers and jeers when, we said that we hope they aren't engaging in acts that violate the employment standards. While reading various violations, that some temp agencies have been taken to task over, it appears we may have hit a nerve.

All in all a fun time was had by all.

Thanks to those who could come out under such difficult weather circumstances, and thanks to those who support us in the spirit of our actions and goodwill.

Oh Yes, and Dave, With that Red Hat on, I almost mistook you for someone else.... :)

Ho Ho Ho


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Temporary Employment Rally

Those interested in helping out and participating in a short rally should meet in the parking lot across from the action centre at between 10am and 10:15 Monday morning. A brief outline of where we are going in Brantford will be released. We plan to have a short rally at 11am in conjunction with 4 or 5 other cities in Ontario.

Crane Canada Closure

Crane Canada in Brantford has announced its closure for the 4th quarter of 2008

Christmas Holiday Party REMINDER

This is a reminder that the Christmas Party POTLUCK LUNCH will be at the STEELWORKER ACTION CENTRE on DECEMBER 19th, 2007. We will be closed from December 20th until January 2nd.

519 752 3333
44 Elgin ST

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Job Finding Club

The action centre will be hosting a Job Finding Club in the new year.With EI soon to expire, we felt that it is in our best interest to take on this program. As of this moment we can accomodate only 12 people. The success rate of this program is excellent.

To Register or have your spot held...Contact

Steelworker Action Centre 519 752 3333

Or come visit and we will register you here while you have a coffee
44 Elgin St.Brantford, Ontario

Monday, December 10, 2007

Joint Action Temp Agencies

Hello Brothers and Sisters

I am pleased that people are reading this site. I wouldn't know it until people starting contacting me regarding the previous temp posting. I also found it interesting that people read one or the other of the two ongoing blogs. I do try to post in both Genfast Blogs.

An action is being planned for next Monday. I have a time in mind and the intent is to work with some cities across Ontario.

I am keeping this rather vague for now, for two reasons. One being that I haven't finalized the details.

Anyone wishing to support this action should contact me directly. I would like to have a number of supporters present who have roughly an hour to spend.

This is the 1st step. We need to focus attention on to the growing number of temp agencies not only in Brantford (where I am told it is really bad) but in other cities. I have found like minded groups across southern Ontario. It is these groups that have formed an action plan.

I have offered to participate, providing there is enough local support for such and activity.

I will be participating in a conference call on Wednesday with the other groups who will be organization an action in their cities.

None of our groups have ever planned anything like this, but provided we get local participation, we believe this job action will be successful.

More details, give me a shout. I should know more after Wednesday.

Regardless, I will have a press release ready on Monday.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Temporary Employment Agencies

Something is brewing.

IF you are interested, stay in touch.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

MNP Corp

You might want to check out the MNP corp sight and see those formax's listed forsale.

Also forsale 152 tonnes of Rod.


Thursday, November 29, 2007


A manufacturer is looking for a Cold Header Operator.

4 Station Forming required.
5 Years Exp.
Call the Action Centre for more Details.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007




Friday, November 23, 2007


Rob Mason called the action centre to let us know that our claims against MNP/GENFAST for monies owed is still moving ahead. He would like to update us on a few items of interest. The Stay against legal procedings has been lifted.

Obviously this is going to take some time, and while Rob uses terms like cautiously optimistic, I am pleased to hear that the Legal Dept is still advancing our case.

Obviously there is more, more that I/we are not going to be told about our suit, because no one wants to say something that could inadvertantly jeopardize our file.

Regardless, it is going to be a long haul, and the USW will keep us updated on any major developments.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Holiday Party and Pot Luck

There will be a Christmas/Holiday Gathering at the action Centre.
All Former Genfast, Eaton Coatings Employees and Unemployed Steelworkers are invited.

WHEN : DECEMBER 19th, 12 NOON till.....
WHERE: 44 Elgin ST, Brantford
WHAT: POT LUCK, Good Times.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Genfast Blog Searching

I was scanning the blogs for Genfast and this post appeared from last year.

Can you imagine what other changes this company may be facing. ?

April 2006

"Well, it looks like my company will finally be sold. Supposedly a huge company from Michigan called "MNP Fasteners" is buying it. We are suppose to get more details this week coming up. Our night leadman is gonna be gone for some things, so I will have to work a split shift for awhile. Instead of working 6am to 330pm, I will be working 12 noon to 1030pm............"

Friday, November 9, 2007

Going to School Part 2 (HOW IRONIC

School closure strands students; Danjay Training Solutions shut doors suddenly last monthPosted By Susan Gamble

Posted 2 hours agoA 10-year-old local skills training school for adults says it was forced to shut its doors due to new government rules.

Danjay Training Solutions, on Hachborn Road, closed in late October without notifying students, some of whom are stuck with no training certificates or marks for their work at the school.The school offered computer classes that were self-paced, meaning students worked through books at their own speed with an instructor available to assist them."How ironic," said student Gib Love. "I lost my job at GenFast and go to school and it closes."

Friday, October 26, 2007

Letter to the Editor Part 2

Mark Lundgrens Letter to the editor appeared today, along with AL's in the Brantford Expositor.

As a former GenFast worker of nearly 25 years, I was appalled to learn that the American owner, MNP Corporation which declared bankruptcy six months earlier, was allowed not only to cross our borders into Ontario but also to spend enormous amounts of money to buy back the equipment it walked away from at below market prices, while we former workers are unable to receive any sort of severance pay that we are legally entitled to.

If MNP had this money to spend on our equipment, then my question is why were these people not forced to pay their workers first?

Why are our elected politicians (Dave Levac and his wimpy party) not creating laws that will stop this sort of rape and pillage of our honest and hard-working people of Ontario? There are many people other than GenFast workers in our immediate area who are experiencing the same sort of problems I am going through. I hope things work out for them and their families.
I truly believe, though, that this type of robbery is going to keep happening until we finally elect people who truly care about the people they represent.
My advice to anyone now working for companies that are using our weak laws to declare bankruptcy and move to the sunny south, chain yourselves to your machines, keep fighting for your benefits and money you are legally entitled to.

Don't be intimidated by these narrow-minded owners and their highly paid legal staff. Don't believe it when they say you will be given what you are entitled to until you finally receive what you are in fact entitled too.

Mark Lundgren

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Letter to the Editor

The Following Letter to the editor was sent into the Brantford Expositor earlier this week.

Dear Editor

In last fridays edition, the Expositor ran a picture of the equipment being auctioned off at the Genfast Manufacturing Bankruptcy sale.
My former coworkers were present at this auction and they have expressed to me their outrage. It is criminal that officials from our parent company are allowed to return to Ontario. These are the same officials who orchestrated the bankruptcy and fled the country while Genfast was still in operation. How is it that when a company closes shop and has no money to pay it's workforce, they can sweep back into Brantford and spend millions of dollars. In just a few short hours these morally challenged members of the human race, purchased the very equipment and supplies they need to further their operations outside of Ontario.
All of this is legal and accepted, without question by our Provincial and Federal Government.

Al Magill

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Going to school?

I received an email from Gib Love the other day informing me that Danjay Training Solutions has closed their doors. I recently finished my course in Industrial Robotics Programming and fortunately I have my certificate, for what it's worth. Gib on the other hand isn't finished his course and now he will not be able to. The money is all paid up front and so I wonder what happens now. Will manpower enable these students to finish their studies at another school?
I am, as most know, somewhat disappointed with what my tax dollars and 24+ years of payments into the E.I. system actually get me. We are part of the manufacturing segment, which the government seems to have abandoned. Many of us. that have lost our jobs in the recent American Jihad, against Canadian unions, are in fact highly skilled, in non-portable, job specific areas, but very capable of being retrained and reinserted, into the labour pool, in new occupations. unfortunately your tax dollars get you minimum training, for a entry level position, in a field requiring 12 to 20 weeks training. In other words, a minimum wage occupation. A brother or sister in their early fifties, with thirty years or more of work behind them, supporting the system, deserves more respect than this.
Service Canada is supporting a system in Brantford, that is leaching tax dollars away from any real possibility, of retraining proven, productive, citizens. Instead the system supports ripoffs like Danjay and classes in "knowing your color" which prepare you for the local sweat shops in the temp agency system.
I find myself speechless at the ability of Service Canada and the local Liberal politicians to continue to collect their wages while doing nothing of significance in this area. They cannot plead ignorance. I feel that they should resign and try out E.I. for a while.


Monday, October 22, 2007

Worker Welcome Part 2

We are having another Worker Welcome to showcase our new location.

Feel Free to come out on

44 Elgin St.

10 AM till 2 Pm

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Good Job Brian

I caught the thankyou note that Brian published in the Expositor. I was impressed by the class act that Brian has demonstrated himself to be. The Steelworkers called me today to do a little survey and when they asked me what I had voted, I told them that although I had always been liberal and had known that party's candidate since high school, I had, had the opportunity to see the devotion and concern that the NDP candidate has demonstrated for the manufacturing sector which is being decimated with the government's apparent indifference and I was compelled to vote for the man who represented myself and my family and friends the best. That was Brian. I believe that he showed well this time and I believe he'll carry it next time.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Bernie Thetica at Genfast ???


I have heard from reliable sources that Bernie Thetica will be in Brantford on Wednesday at 10am for the Auction.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Thank You

HelloI am back at the Action Centre today.

I want to thank all those from Easton Coatings and Genfast who took a sign, showed support, came out and volunteered, or just simply cheered me on in my bid for election.

We stuck to the issues, yet people have a right to be cynical. Almost half the voters stayed home, some 49%, which means those that didn't vote represent more people then voted for the incumbent. That is how turned off and disillusioned people have become. I understand this cynicism as I often share it, but I will vote, participate and do whatever is required, because it is important. Change can occur with the conviction to follow through and make your voice heard.

I rejoin you all as another former worker from a closed manufacturing plant, who is going to use the action centre services to find fulltime steady employment.Congratulations to all who have done so, in the meantime, don't forget about what we set out to do.

Shortly after the election another plant was occupied by workers trying to get severance from a bankrupt company. They were successfull in coming to a deal for 70% of their severance, whereas nothing was being offered by the company prior to the takeover.

Again, thanks for your support.

Well see what happens next time around :)


Saturday, October 6, 2007

Victory Party

You are invited to the victory party.

9pm till midnight
Oct. 10th
135 Market ST.Brantford

Get Orange on E Day :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Howard Hampton Coming To Brantford

The Campaign is gathering Momemtum. This is very Clear.

Howard Hampton Will be coming to Brantford,
Thursday October 4th,
2pm at Tim Hortons265 King George Road. (the newer one by Food Basics)

You are all welcome to come and join the campaign.

For more Info Call 519 751 9111 (Brant NDP)


I dropped in yesterday to the new location of the Steelworker Action Centre. Everything has been moved and most everything is up and running. Really impressive for a one day move.

The New Location for the Centre is

44 Elgin St. Brantford.
On the Main Floor.
Call 752 3333

for more information.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Barbecue Fundraiser

Barbecue Fundraiser
to support
Brian Van Tilborg
NDP Candidate

Thursday Sept. 20th, 2007
129 Lyons Ave (Corner of St. George and Lyons) Near the A&P on St. Paul.

6:30 till 9Pm

Call 519 751 9111 for tickets.
Or pick them up at

105 Charing Cross.

A special announcement will be made at the fundraiser.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Campaign Office Open House

The Brian Van Tilborg Ontario NDP Campaign Open House will be held on

Thursday September 13th, at 7 pm.

All are welcome to attend.

Light refreshments and beverages will be available.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labour Day Parade a Success

Last year, 3767 took our Labour Day activities to Hamilton to experience the massive 12,000 to 15000 person labour day parade and engage in their park activities.

This year, there was no 3767 and I am certain everyone from Genfast went their own ways.

Today some People wore 3767 shirts and marched with the NDP. There were also some from Easton Coatings who joined us with the NDP.

The Parade ended at Brandos and Ian Deans and me spoke to our Brothers and Sisters from the other unions.

Ian Deans explained them to support the NDP. That only the NDP was going to put forward Labour Issues.

I spoke about the future of the labour market if we do not act.

Will they support us?

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Temporary Agencies, HELP or HINDRANCE

Saturdays Extra Feature in the Brantford Expositor Covers Temporary Agencies.

I am quoted in the article along with others including the Temporary Agencies.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Temporary Agencies, Job Protection, Manufacturing, Wage Earner Protection,

Hello all Former Genfast and Easton Coatings Personell & Readers and Guests.

The Election is coming upon us and if the above issues are those you want addressed then I am going to ask for you help and I encourage you to volunteer for this campaign.Your ability to volunteer and join the campaign is going to make the difference.I am not impressed by these temporary agencies and I am not impressed by the actions of our government in addressing manufacturing issues, including Wage Protection and Job Protection.

We can use all the help we can get :

Sign Crews, (this is always fun)
Leafleting, (This is fun with exercise)
Going around with the Candidate. (This is also an enjoyable experience) (Ok its fun too)Telephoning supporters and informing the public. (This is one of the most important aspects to a successful campaign)

Find people with similar values and let them know that they can help too.A sign, A donation, and the ability to volunteer will be an excellent grassroots style campaign.

We have a Former Genfast Employee volunteer to help with the Web.

To Offer your help.Campaign Office Address: 105 Charing Cross, Brantford, ON, N3R2H8 Campaign Office Phone: 519 751 9111 Phone Anytime They are working year

NDP OFFICE OPENSMONDAY SEPT 3rd after the Labour Day Parade. (We will begin setting up) Furniture and help required, similar to how we set up the action centre. Lots of volunteers bringing in things to make it work.If you want, you can contact me personally, that's ok too.

New Sites

Just to add to my previous post, here are two new sites relating to a project that I'm hoping to get off the ground in late October.

I'm currently looking for accountants, paralegals, hardened web designers and database gurus, as well as anyone with a story about the shortfalls of the Service Canada training system.


oh,by the way,....I bumped into Salim and he's doing great and thinks we should all go to the auction and make a statement about the way Genfast ripped us off.
Maybe we should!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Steel Worker Action Centre Coordinator

Linda Montgomery has accepted the position as the Action Centre Coordinator. Linda has participated as a peer helper at the action centre and has previous experience in 2 other downsizings and plant closures

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Views Wanted

Hi Everyone;
It's been a while since I posted. In fact most of the time I hear about things on the blog from others and then I check it out. I never said that I was a dedicated blogger, however that may change. I am initiating a small project with potential ramafications in the local micro-economy.
I need some input about some issues.

1.) if anyone has had dealings with the local "temp" agencies or if you know someone that has, I would like to hear from you.

2.) if anyone has been through the "Service Canada" mill and has some reflections on the system, I would like to hear from them.

3.) if anyone has considered self-employment but find themselves stalling out with "initiative block", I'd like to hear from you.

Do not post replies on this site.
Please use my google mail:

All responses are absolutly confidential. Your email will not be used for any purposes outside of this study.

later Dave

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Web Designer Wanted

The Brant NDP are looking for someone with the ability to design a web page or someone who can keep a current webpage updated.


Monday, August 20, 2007

Ontario NDP Commercial

The Ontario NDP are working on a commercial for the upcoming Campaign. They have asked me if I know anyone affected by the manufacturing job loss that would like to be part of their commercial.

I am not going to make this decision for you. If you want to be on Television, you know how to get in touch with me.

I will be forwarding a list of people I can get in touch with who are game.

This will take a bit of time, so if you read this late, contact me.
I will be sending in a list early tommorrow of anyone who is interested.

I have never made a commercial before, I don't have the details.

Contact me, via, phone or email ASAP, and I will make certain you are on the list.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Genfast Auction

Event Date and Time: Wednesday-Thursday, October 17th & 18th at 10am EST each dayPreview Date and Time: Monday-Tuesday, October 15th & 16th from 9am to 5pm each day, or by appointment.Address: 225 Henry StreetBrantford, OntarioCanada Auction of Largest Automotive Fastener Manufacturer in Canada. Unprecedented selection of Late Model Cold Headers and Bolt Makers from Nedschroef, National Machinery, Sacma, and Hartford. Large selection of Threaders from E.W. Menn, Saspi, Waterbury Farrell, Hartford, and Sacma. Large selection of Wire Drawers, Uncoilers, and Payoff Reels from Fastener Engineers and RMG. Plus Bolt Pointers, Packaging/Inspection equipment, Heat Treating equipment, Tool Room and Support Equipment, Quality Assurance, Material Handling (more than 20 forklifts), Materials/Tooling (over 1 million at cost), and Office Equipment.

Genfast Auction Website

Get your BrochureGenfast Equipment Details - PDF file

Thursday, August 16, 2007

labour day

To all affiliates of the Brantford & District Labour Council

Just a reminder about our upcoming Labour Day Events this year namely the Soap Box Derby and Our Solidarity March. The Soap Box Derby is held in front of the Casino from the Lorne Bridge and starts at 9;00 am and usually runs until about 12 noon. Following the Derby at 1:00 SHARP we will be having our Solidarity March starting at the Labour Centre and ending up at Brando’s which is located down the street from the Ex-Imperial Club on Market Street which is unfortunately no longer available. We have invited both of the nominated Brant NDP candidates (Federal and Provincial) from our area to say a few words following the Solidarity March.

Ian Deans who has been nominated as the Federal candidate for our area once a Federal election is called is no stranger to politics. For further information about Ian’s extensive political background you can go to the following link:
Ian Deans

Brian Van Tilborg who is relatively new to the political scene is the NDP candidate for the upcoming October Provincial election. Brian is a former employee of Genfast in Brantford and was involved as a co-ordinator in the Genfast Action Committee that was set up following the closure of Genfast. Further information is available at the Brant NDP web site:

Brant NDP

Please make a special effort to show up for the March and bring your Union’s flags to carry in the event if they are available. If you do not have a flag I would suggest you contact your International or National Union contacts to see if they can provide you with some shirts and or flags for the March. There will also be food, refreshments as well as entertainment for everyone who participates following our Solidarity March. If you need any further information about the events, please contact us at the Labour Council @ 519-753-9142.

Hope to see you all on Labour Day!

In Solidarity,
Dan Webster
Brantford & District Labour Council

Temporary Agencies Rally Conclusion

I attended the Forgotten Ones rally in Victoria Park. Brendan Davis made a long passionate presentation to a significant number of supporters. Not bad for a first attempt. The Expositor was present, however, I didn't recall seeing CKPC. I did see some people from Genfast, but more from Dura and it was nice to meet another group of people.

For me I just want to say, I got a nip of what may be in store in September and October from my rivals and their supporters.

We are going to have to mobilize and be strong!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

First Aid

First Aid Certificates have arrived at the action centre.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Temporary Services

If you are not in favour of temporary agencies, I suggest you attend the rally at Victoria Park.

The Forgotten Ones will be in Victoria Park to talk about some of the issues many of us are facing today. Things such as, Temporary Agencies, Lack of Education and its effects on Ontario Works Municipal, Provincial, and the Federal Governments Ontario Disability Support Program.
Please join us on taking a stand against poverty on:August 16, 2007 AT 1:00 P.M. Victoria Park, Brantford

Thursday, August 9, 2007

See! I said that the liberals were photo hogs!

Brian sent me this redirect to an Expositor article. He suggested that I might be interested in it and he was correct. It seems that others have noticed Dave Levac's interest in getting his picture taken and his inability to do anything worthwhile for the tax payers of Brantford.
Read before it expires.

Photo Hogs

If this link is dead then look for the achived letter to the editor by Pat Van Horne

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Campaign School

To win the Provincial Election in September, we are going to need a strong campaign team.

I invite you to attend our Campaign School.

Saturday August 11th
1Pm to 6Pm
Echo Place Family Restaurant
781 Colborne St

(By Tellys Variety, the old Butches)

Thank You.

For more information
Dial 519 751 9111

USW Plant Takeover Videos on U-Tube

You may find these videos interesting.

WE travelled from Genfast to Koolatron and then to Masonite?

Here is the video. (You may see yourself in the video).
Masonite was the profitable company moving south.

There is also a video of the Collins and Aikman plant takeover.

And Finally there is a video of Bill Baker coming out of Hamilton Specialty Bar with the chains he used to fasten himself to the equipment.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What are we doing now???

I am interested in knowing what other Genfast employees are doing outside of work, much like when I worked at Genfast. We had a number of people who played in various bands, and are still playing yet we don't hear about it.

So, if people wish to email me or get the information to Dave to post, I would be happy to see this stuff on these pages. This includes fishing get togethers or barbecues people would like to have or find out if their is interest.

It can't be all about work or

Peer Helper Training

There will be another session of peer helper training on Sept. 10th and Sept. 11th at the Brantford District Labour Centre.

Peer Helpers are volunteers who help out at the action centre.

To register for the Peer Helper training please sign up at the action centre.85 Morrell st.Brantford,for more informationCall 519 752 3333

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Resume Updating

The Resume Updating Session scheduled for August 7th has one remaining opening.Anyone interested in updating their resume is to contact the action centre.

Jim Huff of the Hamilton Steel Workers Adjustment Centre will be the instructor.

Location: Steel Worker Action Centre (Brantford)
85 Morrell St.
519 752 3333

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


As you may or may not be aware, when the Adjustment Center received our email address from Bell Canada, it was written incorrectly.

genfastajustmentcenter (notice the missing d and the spelling of center)

the correct spelling would be


This does cause problems for us, however many sources are now used to the incorrect version. Should we get a new email address, we will have to inform our many contacts.

However, there is interest in changing the email address to something functional

The first new email address has been put forward and we will be taking requests for the best new email address.

Steelworker Centre Ajustment Board

The Submitter figured this anacronym could put the action centre in direct competition with the Temporary agencies.


Need labour, need good employees, just email SCAB.


Other submissions welcome.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Welding Seminar

The Alexander Group has expressed an interest in doing a presentation for people who are interested in pursuing a welding career. If you are interested in attending a seminar at the action centre please call or come to the centre and register on a sign up sheet. If we have 5 or 6 people, we will put on the seminar here.

Action Centre
519 752 3333

Friday, July 27, 2007

CKPC Radio

Today CKPC radio called to ask how effective the action centre has been. I expressed that the action centre doesn't get you the job, but is a liason or a tool that both companies and former employees can benefit from. Like any good reporter, they also wanted to know how many of us have found work.Former Co-workers who are newly employed have been our most effective tool in promoting our capabilities and good work ethics. Many companies having tested the waters with one or two candidates have since taken on more of our former co-workers.Did I mention the temporary service agencies?Yes I did.

Benefits Packages

The Action Centre has three copies of the benefit packages available to look over if you haven't ordered a copy for yourself but wish to look at what is available.

Lift truck Certificates

Lift Truck Certificates have arrived at the action centre for those who attended July 19th.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Resume Course Postponed

The Resume Updating Course scheduled for July 31st has been postponed.
The new date is August 7th. The times are the same. If you have signed up and cannot make the new date, please contact the action centre.

519 752 3333

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Temporary Service Help Business and Government

Here is a snip of a letter to the editor from the organization that speaks on Behalf of Hundreds of Temporary Agencies,

Services help business and government operate efficiently
Editorial - Saturday, July 21, 2007 @ 07:00 In the July 18 story, "Van Tilborg acclaimed provincial NDP candidate," Brian Van Tilborg suggests that the government should address the proliferation of temporary job agencies. While we applaud his focus on the need for "good paying factory jobs in Brantford and across Ontario" this objective will not be served by diminishing options or limiting access to agencies supporting those looking for employment

Here is the link to Letter on the Expositor Webpage

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Alex MacPherson

MacPHERSON, Alexander - Peacefully, after a long battle with cancer, at St. Peter's Hospital on July 19, 2007, in his 65th year. Beloved father to Lila and Alex. Cherished grandfather to Austin, Joshua and Jordon. Will be dearly missed by Carol MacPherson. Dear brother to Joe, Elvin, Doug (Bernadette), Harvey (Anne), Jack (Tish), Father Gary, Sister Jovita, and his sister-in-law Jean; all of Nova Scotia, and Mary (David) Labum of Maine. Predeceased by his brothers Gordan, Sam and R.J., and twin sisters Theresa and Alexandria in infancy. Will be dearly missed by all of his nephews and nieces. Alex was employed by Genfast, Brantford, and was a member of St. Margaret Mary Parish. Special thanks to Dr. Naganabu, Dr. MacMillan, and the staff of 2 West at St. Peter's Hospital. Family will receive friends at the P.X. Dermody Funeral Home, 796 Upper Gage Avenue (between Mohawk and Fennell) on Monday, July 23, 2007 from 7-9 p.m. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at St. Margaret Mary Roman Catholic Church on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. Cremation to follow. As expressions of sympathy, donations to the St. Peter's Hospital Foundation would be sincerely appreciated by the family. Online condolences may be made to

Friday, July 20, 2007

Benefits Packages

The United Steelworkers held a benefits package meeting today at 10am.
We have Coverage Summaries at the action centre for those who are interested but couldn't attend the meeting in Hamilton.

If you require more information

Call 1 800 867 5615

We will be asking for the complete package information to be sent to the Steelworker Action Centre.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Brian Van Tilborg is the Provincial NDP Candidate

Yes it is official.

Your former co-worker is the NDP provincial candidate.I can't thank the co-workers at Genfast enough for coming out tonight, and showing support for my candidacy. Words cannot explain this......

Thank you

Temporary Service Public Inquiry

July 17th, 2007
Queens ParkMain Legislative Building
Toronto, Ont.M74 1A4

Dear Premier McGuintyI am writing this letter to call for an immediate public inquiry into the actions and functions of the temporary labour services. I reside in the city of Brantford, in the riding of Brant, which has suffered a series of plant closures and there is one more announced plant closure occurring in the following month. It has come to my attention that many of the jobs available in our riding are under control of the temporary labour services. These temporary labour services are experiencing rapid growth, while our good paying jobs disappear. It would appear that the temporary labour market and the expansion of these temporary services are creating a barrier between the employees and the employer. Many of the people whom work for a temporary service can spend months and years at the same job at the same place of work within the jurisdiction of the company. I believe that is wrong. There is a place for temporary agencies, but as the number of temporary agencies grow, it is my understanding that they are taking fulltime good paying employment and reducing the wages and the job to part time, non permanent status.

We need action today, before the system of temporary labour market becomes a way of life for the people in Brantford who are looking for full time work, but will have no other recourse then to submit to using temporary employment agencies.

Brian Van Tilborg

Monday, July 16, 2007

NDP Nomination Information

I have received some emails asking if you have to be a member to attend the NDP nomination meeting.

Friends and coworkers who worked at Genfast/Eastons etc. but reside out of the riding are welcome to come out and support my nomination.

You do not have to be an NDP member to come out tomorrow night.
You do not have to have a membership, nor are you required to sign one.
You do not have to live in the riding to come out to the meeting.

If you want to see change in the manufacturing sector.
If you want to see laws that protect working people first.
If you wish to support my efforts and the direction the NDP is taking on these important happenings.

Then you are welcome to attend.
I look forward to seeing you there.Tuesday July 17th7:30 PM
Brantford District Labour Centre.
1100 Clarence St. South.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hamilton Specialty Bar

"Local 4752 has fought so hard to save Hamilton Specialty Bar for itsmembers and retirees. No one deserves a break more than they do." DePaulo said no details will be released until next Tuesday's 11 a.m.meeting at LIUNA Station on Barton Street in Hamilton. If accepted, Woodsidewill seek court approval for the purchase. If approved, the new plant wouldbegin to recall 120 workers with a view to bringing back more over time. In early May, Local 4752 President Bill Baker and several USW membersoccupied the plant, with Baker chained to a machine. The occupation ended whenthe company agreed to reinstate retirees' benefits, which had been ended inadvance of the closure. As well, the company agreed to provide activeemployees with vacation and unpaid wages. "Now we have an opportunity to build what we always knew were good jobsand a good product line," said Baker. "We also want to thank the community forsupporting us throughout this most recent struggle."

NDP Nomination meeting

Brant NDP Provincial Nomination

TUESDAY JULY 17TH, 2007 at 7:30 PM

Location: Brantford District Labour Centre
Costs: FREE, All are welcome.
Directions: 1100 Clarence St. South, near colborne st.

See map here Click on the nomination text.

Registration begins at 7pm, the meeting starts at 7:30.

All members of the NDP living within the riding of Brant are entitled to vote
1) If you are a current member and became a member on or before June 17th 2007
2) If you last paid for your membership in 2006 you can renew at the meeting.
$25 for employed, $5 for everyone else.

For more information
519 751 9111

Duration: Should there be two or more people standing for the nomination, the meeting is expected to conclude by 9 pm.

You are invited to: Come to the meeting and feel welcome to bring family and friends.

Help support and select our next candidate.

Fork Lift

Any who wishes to participate in the fork lift instruction will be required to secure their spot with a deposit in full at the place of instruction. This deposit will be returned to you upon completion of day. For more information contact the action centre 519 752 3333.If you haven't taken this instruction and our still interested, please let us know.

First Aid

The Steel Worker Action Centre (Formerly the Genfast Adjustment Center) is going to go through with the First Aid instruction. There will be 2 different levels of instruction dependent upon your background in first aid. People who signed the list or wish to sign up, will be required to secure their positions with a deposit (in full) that will be returned immediately upon completion. Those who fail to attend will lose their deposit in full.For more details please contact the action centre. 519 752 3333.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Fork Lift Safety Certificates

Fork Lift Operators Safety Training certificates for June 19th and June 23rd courses have arrived at the Action Centre. You may pick these up at the Action Centre, or request to have them sent to your home.

Thursday June 28th is booked, but there could be one opening available. Course starts at 8am till 2:30

We are scheduling another Fork Lift Safety Course for Thursday July 5th.This will be the 5th course the action centre has filled with our peers. Courses will continue based upon demand. If you are interested in fork lift safety, contact the

Friday, June 22, 2007

Open House a Success

I want to thank everyone who came out to the open house. There were close to 100 people who attended the event. Our goals were achieved. We received positive media coverage, and the article in the Expositor was successful in opening the doors to some potential new employment contacts.Both MPP Dave Levac and Mayor Mike Hancock attended the open house and presented Certificates of Congratulations.MP Lloyd St. Amand was held over in Ottawa but managed to send his regrets and a letter of appreciation.Rob Mason was there talking to individuals who wished to know what the USW on our behalfs.Steve Charest of King and Benton was there, along with TDG inc.We had enough food that was provided by the United Food and Commercial Workers to handle most of the volume and Rob Abbott made the dash to buy more hotdogs.Thanks to everyone who came out and to those who helped make this a success.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

NDP Nomination Support

It is important for anyone who wishes to support my Bid for the Brant NDP Nomination that they contact me immediately. Anyone who has offered their support but still requires to pay for their NDP membership $5 ($25 if working), your membership contribution is due.

Should there be contested nomination, only those holding an NDP membership will be eligable to vote.

Thank You

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Action Center Open House (OFFICIAL)

Action Centre Open House
Wednesday June 20th,
11:30am to 4pm.
Food and Beverages will be served.

You are all invited to attend our official open house. The purpose of this event is to publicize our location, phone, fax, internet contact to the business community. We want it to be easy for employers to find us, and call us when there is a job posting. We want to make it known that we have a good workforce and that there are training incentives available.

Confirmed to attend will be MP Lloyd St. Amand. MPP Dave Levac and Mayor Mike Hancock. An invitation will be sent out to the media. Also in attendance will be Rob Mason of the United Steel Workers.

Come out have a good time, and remember the purpose of this event is to get an edge in the job market.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wes Rowe

It's with great sadness that we note the passing of Wes Rowe. Wes was genuinely one of those bigger than life characters that it is a pleasure to have known.
Here is the notice as published in the June 14th Expoitor.

Obituary for Wesley George Rowe

ROWE, Wesley George - In his 57th year at the Brantford General Hospital on Tuesday June 12, 2007. Dearly loved husband of Nikky. Beloved father of Wesley (Jake), Rusty and Tina, Bill and Jennifer, Joe and Tara, and Dennis Martin. Best grandpa to Jesse and Corey, Steven, Hailey, Brianna and Noah, Kyle, and Shelby. Brother to Wayne and Sal, Ken and Rosie, Kerry & Nancy, Rob and Theresa, and Stig and Allison. Brother-in-law of John Havens, Sonia Shepherd, Gerri Havens, Susan Havens, Rebecca & Paul Dalby, Don Havens, and Bob and Janet Havens. Also survived by many nieces and nephews. Was loved by everyone. Predeceased by parents Mel and Ruby Rowe and mother-in- law Eileen Havens. The family will honour his life with visitation at the HYDE & MOTT CHAPEL, Hagersville on Thursday 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. where Funeral Service will be held in the chapel on Friday, June 15, 2007 at 3 p.m. Cremation to follow. In lieu of flowers, donations to the SPCA or The World Wildlife Foundation would be appreciated.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Howard Hampton will be in Brantford at the Labour Center. 1100 Clarence St for a 10 am rally Wednesday JUNE 13th. Job loss and the current treatment of workers after a plant closure are going to be the focus. The Easton Coatings Exec will be meeting with Howard just before the rally. Then at 10am to speak to those attending and the media.

For those of you reading this, you probably realize that this is for TOMMORROW so pass this information along, to the best of your abilities.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Easton Coatings

The employees at Easton Coatings were given all of two weeks notice that the plant was shutting down. I have heard alot of details through the grapevine, but before I post anything, I would like to get some more information and I will hear from some of the Easton Coatings Employees on Thursday at the adjustment center. Tommorrow, some of the Easton employees will be coming into the center to get help filling out Proof of claim forms. I figure we have become experts in receiverships.

If you come into the center between 9am and 1pm and see some unfamiliar faces, this is who they are. I

Latest Claim Papers

As I wrote on the last post, I received some more papers from KPMG. These stated that my claim for severances was denied. I contacted Robert Mason regarding this. He has written back that there is no need to reply to this. Brian VanTilborg has told me that a lot of employees did not even receive this notice.
Someone at KPMG may have too much time on their hands.
So anyway, no worry!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Disallowance of claim????

I presume that most of you have received your notice of "Disallowance of Claim" from the "Superior Court".

This is a fairly misleading document in so far as it is from KPMG and not a court. They are still attempting to close us out of the right for severance.

They sent this document at the last possible moment so that we would not have time to find out what to do. Today I received it and today is the seventh or final day for me to respond.

Personally I sent notice to them by email indicating that I wished to appeal the loss of my severance and termination pays. I have also emailed Rob Mason at USW and hope to get something back from him.

If anyone has seen a lawyer regarding this matter or has some light to shine on it please share this with us. I can't afford a lawyer for every little notice that KPMG wants to send me.


Saturday, June 2, 2007

Rob Mason

I just got this today so I thought I'd better pass it along; This is from Rob regarding the ongoing effort that the USW is making on our behalf.


Hello Dave.

Today our Lawyers went to court in attempt to have the matter of the grievances I filed put before a judge. Hopefully we are successfull in our argument and all of the grievances I filed will be able to be put before an Arbitraitor very shortly. These were filed for all monies owed. This is just one of the multi prongs I spoke about but we are "cautiously optomistic" in our success. I just wanted to pass this along so everyone remains in the loop so to speak.

In Solidarity,

Rob Mason
USW Staff Representative


I don't envy Rob and the others for the job they have. They deal with us when we're angry and if they can't get what we want, then they receive our anger. They also hear the worst of the stories that emerge from plant closures and stand helpless in the face of our government's indifference to the suffering especially of our oldest pensioners, some of whom had never heard of Genfast until their benifits were terminated. If you bump into any of our union people, take a moment to say thanks!

later dave

Friday, June 1, 2007

Vacation Pay Clarification

Some of us (Former Genfast Employees) have been to the Brantford EI office and been advised not to file their vacation pay, and that (EI) will adjust it through the information provided by the receiver KPMG. Other people have called their local EI service or the 1 800 service and received different information, stating that they must claim. (I knew I didn't want to wade into this water). I have called the 1 800 number and spoken with EI regarding the answers given to those of us collecting and how to report our vacation pay. They will be in touch with Linda Bailey, and regardless of those who did claim or those whom didn't claim their vacation pay, they have it on record regarding our situation at Genfast and what is occurred.

Best I can do for today.

Vacation Pay and Employment Insurance

The Brantford Employment Insurance office has stated for us not to claim our Vacation Pay electronicallyor by phone. Employment Insurance will be in touch with the receiver and adjust our EI claims accordingly.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Wages and Vacation Pay

Today you are all aware that no money magically appeared in your accounts. According to KPMG (the receiver) ADP would not process any funds for the payroll. How they didn't know this prior to sending out letters to us is beyond me. KPMG has stated that they issued checks for our wages and 50% vacation pay today the 29th of May.

Employee Welcome

The Genfast Adjustment Center is having an employee welcome on Thursday May 31st, from 9am until 12 pm. Coffee and Timbits will be available. There will be information handed out regarding services available, including regions outside of Brantford.

85 Morrell St.

Call 519 752 3333

Sunday, May 27, 2007

What The Liberals Are All About

I'd like to welcome Brian Van Tilborg to the blog. I invited him to post directly a few weeks ago but I didn't set the permissions for him. My fault. I look forward to his informing comments and hope he'll keep us up to date on his campaign.
I have an article here from April. The original can be found in the news feeds at the side bar.
We have a Hamilton MPP , Andrea Horwath (NDP),who is calling the McGuinty government on their failure to protect the manufacturing sector. The last paragraph sums up the Liberal's concern for our job losses and our family's lost way of living.
" Last week Liberal government members jeered and heckled Horwath as she made another impassioned appeal for a job strategy for the Hamilton region."

Genfast Adjustment Center

The Genfast Adjustment Center has been opened since May 14th, and progressively, the telephones, internet and fax has come online.

85 Morrell st.
Phone: 519 752 3333
Fax: 519 752 3393
Hours 9am to 5pm

Come in have a coffee.

Pensioners Meeting

There is a pensioners meeting scheduled for Monday May 28th for 1 pm at 1031 Barton Street in the Hamilton Steelworkers Building. Pensioners will have received by mail, notification of the time date and place. However, the Steelworkers are asking for four volunteers to go down to the hall on Monday, and set up tables as well as to help separate the various groups of pensioners into the plants there pension was actually derived from.

I will be leaving at 12pm from the Genfast Adjustment Center. Those who wish to volunteer can email myself or call the action center phone number, Monday Morning. (519 752 3333)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Go Brian

Brian Van Tilborg Seeks the Brant NDP Provincial Nomination

May 22, 2007

Brian Van Tilborg, a lifelong resident of Brant Riding today announced his intention to seek the NDP nomination for Brant Riding in the forthcoming Provincial Election. A Graduate of McMaster University with a BA in Labour Studies, today stated that the crises confronting manufacturing needs particular attention. Recent announced closings of Genfast, Bluebird, and Easton Coatings are examples of a crises situation.

Genfast, a company that was best in the area a few short years ago, has moved their fastener production to Michigan and BlueBird which manufactured buses is moving to Georgia. Even management recognizes the quality of the workforce, but praise doesn’t put bread on the table. Easton Coatings may become another example of the insufficiency of legislation governing plant closings and worker entitlement. I am today calling upon the Provincial and Federal Governments for emergency action to stop the closing until such a time as the impact can be analyzed and the interests of the employees protected. “All too often employees lose all of their accumulated benefits along with their jobs. This has got to stop.” One of the first things I intend to do when elected is to introduce legislation to deal with the impact of plant closures. “Two weeks notice for a plant closure is simply not enough time”. The Brant riding has a long history in manufacturing and Brant requires a strong retention program in the manufacturing sector or we are going to see more companies close their doors and relocate.

As a former Genfast Employee, I recognize the caliber of our employees, salaried staff, engineers, IT personnel and management. “Manufacturing has been one of Ontario’s greatest strengths. Why would we allow manufacturing to leave so easily, without seriously investigating the problems that face manufacturing today? “

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Brian has emailed me regarding the rally:

Regarding the Rally!

May 23, 2007
11am at Genfast
45 Minutes in Length
12pm Rally at "To be announced" Plant in Brantford
Approx 30 minutes in Length.
Rally in Plant "to be announced" in Peel.

You can participate at each event individually. After the Genfast Rally,
we will name the plant that we are going to within Brantford. You can
ride the Coach to or take your own vehicle should you choose. You can
also go back to work, school, or whatever plans you have. Also, If I
know that you cannot attend the Genfast Rally, but wish to participate
in the rest of the rally, I will do my best to forward you the
information as to where we will be going. You can participate in the 2nd
rally and grab the bus to the 3rd should you like. I have no idea if
there are going to be enough seats available, If I receive enough
information from former Genfast employees that many of us want to go to
all the events then we will have to see if we have enough Coaches. Also
with the recent announcement of another Bankruptcy, there may be even
more "displaced" workers coming out.

If you know 100% that you are going to go to the
1) The Genfast Rally
2) The 2nd Brantford Rally
3) The Rally in Peel

Please email me,


Brian's email is

later dave

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Pension News

Brian Van Tilborg sent me this note. I hope to see Brian posting directly soon.

Hi Dave

The Pension fund is now being administrated by Price Waterhouse
They will have a toll free line up and running shortly.
1 877 949 7337

This information was forwarded to me by Frank Hammond.

So there it is.

later dave

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Claim Forms

I have received an email from John Carroll regarding the confusion over the claim forms sent out by KPMG on or about April 27.
Please understand this. The money indicated on page 2 as Gross Unpaid Wages and 50% of Gross Vacation Pay is being paid out of a $1,000,000 fund that the union negotiated and had set aside. The letter indicates clearly that if you will accept the figures given on page 2, then you do not need to do anything else. Sit back and chill.
At the creditors meeting that was held April 25 at the Holiday Inn, KPMG's Brad Newton pointed out two things which have not changed.
1.) They have $1,000,000 to pay out for an estimated $1,200,000 in wages and vacation. There are no additional funds for this purpose. If you want more, then everyone else will have to take less.
2.)Severence and Termination which would require the filing of a claim, are not going to happen for us during the bankruptcy proceedings. The receiver indicates on page three that they already have a legal opinion from their counsel that termination and severence from after April 5, are not valid. If you want that money you can wait to see what the USW can do or you can hire a lawyer and sue the directors yourself.
The USW has filed a group claim on your behalf, so I suggest that you wait.

If you disagree with the figures given on page 2 or if you want to renege on your loan, then you should file the form and in the case of the loan, you must give a written instruction.
Keep in mind that all such actions will delay the payment until all claims are settled.

If you are still unsure, email ;

or come into the action center at 88 Morrell St. ( old Harding Carpets).

later dave

Friday, May 11, 2007

Moving On

This from Brian:
Hi Dave

A few things.

The Hamilton Office for local 3767 is now closed down. The phone is
offline, and Bob Green has handed in the Locals Cellphone over to Frank
Arcuri of Local 4153. All information/communication will be done through
Local 4153 or with Rob Mason from today forward.

Frank Arcuri 905-545-8527

Rob Mason
905 545 3008 ext 32

I know you have this information, but it is important to get the message
out that our local office has officially closed.

I haven't spoken to Frank Arcuri, myself but Rob is 100% behind us. These guys represent you even though we are out on the street. They also represent every Steelworker retiree no matter how long you have been retired.
Don't forget that some faces that you do know will be getting the answers you need down at the action center Monday May 14 and onwards, just as promised.

later dave

Thursday, May 10, 2007


I just got this email from Robert Mason. He has been tirelessly fighting for our retirees and is hoping that you readers can point this information out to any of our people that are out of the loop.

Hi Dave,
We have arranged a retiree meeting at the hall in Hamilton for the 28th at 1pm. we have sent out a mailing to all of the contacts that we have but possibly posting it would get some more. We will have our legal and pension people there and hopefully we can begin the process for many of these retirees.

Again I keep harping about our need to build a contact list but if you keep passing this along it will be a very good thing.
later dave

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Links and the Action Center

The 'Action Center' is getting ready and you can actually drop in and check out what's happening on Monday. Remember that this place is your resource and although the workers will basically point you back to government resources, they know where you're coming from because they are in the same process as you, and Hey, why not hang out.

Please let everybody you connect with, especially retirees or anyone that may be 'out of the loop', know that we want to collect all the email addresses and phone numbers that we can.
Email this for now, to;
This will enable us to get important news out in a cost effective way. Stay connected! Especially if you nail a good job or otherwise move on, please let the Action Committee know. Good news for you is good news for everyone.

Some links are at the bottom of the blog. I put them there because of the insane, long names that the government puts on their sites. Don't forget that Graham has some links on his blog as well.
later dave

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Bob Green

Just for your information.
On May 10, 2007, the Brant NDP is holding a nomination meeting for their federal candidate. The meeting is open although only paid members can vote. Guest speaker for this event is our own Bob Green, so if you are interested in showing some support for Bob, it is at 7:30 PM , in the Laurier Lecture Hall, GRH 207 beside the Brantford Public Library.
Also Brian Van Tilborg informs me that the Ford cheques will be mailed no later than this Thursday.
The Action Centre is shaping up so expect an announcement regarding that, soon.
I've already heard of a number of our people getting jobs and others that are moving into training situations, so stuff is happening. Please do let me know of any good news in this regard.
later dave

Monday, May 7, 2007

The Boyz

I see that the boys have found another photo opportunity. This time the Expositor has caught them at The "Hike for Hospice" raising money for the St. Joseph's Lifecare Foundation. This is a very worthy charity.

Back when I was still employed, I made regular donations to United Way through the payroll deductions at Genfast. Most of us did. I made considerable donations through other institutions as well and it is disappointing to be unable to do that any longer.

This is another loss to the community, when employees that lose their jobs through government inaction, are forced to choose between the charities they want to support, and the needs of their own families. The inability to count on a regular cheque turns people with something to contribute, into people that need to use the very services they once supported. I'd like to ask Mr. Levac and Mr. St. Amand what their favourite charities will do, when a majority of Brantford's industrial demographic lose their jobs and end up on less than subsistance wages working for temp services. When our health care facilities are overwhelmed by voters who have no health care benefits, what will you do then?
This is my second plant closure and a third plant, I worked at has also closed. Most of us at Genfast have been though multiple closures and the plants being attracted to Brantford simply do not pay a living wage. What alternatives can our government offer us and how big a stink do we have to raise before they will begin to take honest action on our behalf.

Gotta go look for a job,..... later , dave

Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Cost Of Stupid Government

I was reading (no one can stop me now), the list of creditors as recorded by our friends at KPMG and I notice that a number of local businesses got stung as well as us.
I can appreciate the hurt that a large unpaid bill does to small local businesses such as Passmore Flowers. The part that really struck me just now was the huge amounts owing to Union Gas and Brantford Power, for example. Guess who will be paying for that. We're screwed again.
I may be cynical but I see the little guy getting the bill for a lot of things around town that the government at large won't take action on. I think I'll read something else.

later dave

Some More Stuff

Just a few words today.
Graham Jones has a blog up as well. He has some good stuff and also welcomes posters. Check him out at:
Graham can also be reached at :
If you want to post on his blog send him an email and he'll set it up.

Graham has added some links which may be useful. I confess that I've been too lazy to get on that with this blog, so far. I'll correct the deficiency in the near future. If any readers find a really useful site please let Graham or I know so we can link to it. These sites are supposed to be a resource, so we must be resourceful in how we build them.

later dave

Friday, May 4, 2007

Welcome Brian

Brian Van Til Borg has just signed on as a contributor to this blog. As you know, Brian and the other exec are working very hard for us in these post Genfast nation days and doing it at their own expense at a time when they should be job searching like the rest of us. I appreciate Brian being willing to step into the world of blogging just so he can keep in contact.
later dave

An NDP response

I received this mail today from Brian Van Til Borg who along with the rest of the exec and the USW are burning themselves out on our behalf. The Expositor was sent this by the local NDP in response to comments in the paper after Howard Hampton came to the rally in front of Genfast last Tuesday. The Expositor has not yet printed this.

Brian Van Tilborg

ps. here is an email that was fired off from the NDP as a letter to the
editor after the article on Wednesday. It wasn't put in todays paper. I
am not certain why this letter wasn't printed after a front page
article the previous day.

Pass this around if you like.


The Brant NDP, Jack Layton, and Howard Hampton are fully aware of what has
occurred at Genfast Manufacturing.

The employees have had their vacations cancelled. Some employees cut
short vacations that were already in progress.These workers were told
to return to work or that they wouldn't be paid for the time off to
which they were fully entitled. They complied and returned to work,
only to have the rug pulled out from under them. On top of this, as of
today, they still have not received any of the wages owed to them or
any part of their vacation pay.

The entire workforce of Genfast, including salaried workers,
management, and unionized steelworkers, have had their livelihood
robbed from them by their unscrupulous American parent company, MNP
Corporation. It seems abundently clear that this contemptable company
is hell-bent on doing everything in it's power to make certain that
Genfast cannot rise from the ashes, thus preventing this skilled labour force
from returning to work in a productive, competitive and profitable
environment. The Brant NDP understands that there are many victims in
this orchestrated plant closure, including several local suppliers, who were
also led down the garden path.

The Brant NDP will not sit idly by and allow these kinds of companies
to get away with
robbing our technology, our jobs and our workers' livelyhoods and
security from our community.
The silence on plant closures in Brantford has gone on for far, far, too long.
The Brant NDP will do everything we possibly can to try to correct this

Chris Otis and Keith Martin, Brant NDP

I'd like to hear some comment on this.

later dave

Thursday, May 3, 2007

New Posters

So I owe an apology for letting the blog slide for a few days. I also managed to miss the rally at the plant on Tuesday. Mia Culpa. I regret that because Mr. Hampton is certainly an accomplished and intelligent leader who should not be discounted by our local MPz just because he is NDP. His background and experience allow him to make qualified judgements of our situation that the local boys simply can't. Add to that the fact that he actually showed up and demonstrated concern, and I think he's alright.
I've recently invited Brian Van Tilborg to actively post on this site as well as Rob Mason. These guys have been extremely busy on our behalf doing the work that local politicians are taking credit for. But they are willing as often as they can, to keep us up on what's happening.
We have a partial email list for former Genfast employees and for purposes of discrete communication would like to see this list a lot more complete. You can help by getting the word around to email me at This will allow me to continue compiling the list of those who are willing to be contacted and to get this to your executive.
If at anytime you wish to be removed from the list please let me know.
The reason I'm looking after this is because your exec. really is buried alive right now and don't forget that they are also unemployed and doing what they can for us while they should be looking for a job for themselves. I think our exec. deserves a vote of appreciation.
Some Notes;
John Carrol writes me that he has actually received $20.00 from EI. He has been informed that the next payment will be more substantial.
Bob Green is off to Parlament today to make our case and will then join a rally at Hamilton Specialty Bar (formerly Slater Steel). Bob is getting our situation in front of the media and the politicians whenever he can.
Brian Van Til Borg has been working to bring together support for us, witness the meeting at the Polish Hall , a week ago Wednesday and the upcoming Action Center. Brian and the exec. as well as some of the members have done this work so don't let anyone else take credit.
I get a lot of questions about the Ford Deal. I don't know but I understand that the "cheque is in the mail" ;-)

I was at a "Planning for Training" meeting yesterday with John Carrol and Ray Leger. It was nice to see them there. We had some good instruction about the possibilities of retraining and some informed direction as to what is involved in Job Hunting/retraining today. The world has definitely changed in the last 25 years. Anyway a good job done by our facilitator Angeline.
In the near future after I digest the huge stack of handouts that I scoffed off the table at the back I will post a sort of contact list that may be helpful. Any suggestions are appreciated.

later Dave

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Local Politicos

I went to the book sale for the Brantford Symphonic Orchestra today. Most of you will know that this is an annual event to raise money for the band. I got a load of books for rock bottom prices and a worthy Brantford institution doesn't have to step up to the taxpayer's teat to get support.
It must have been a note worthy event, because both our MP and our MPP were there. I didn't see any cameras but I may have missed the photo op.
I thought of a few questions that I should have asked them and then I thought, " Well why not. Is a blog not a form of journalism? Shouldn't someone ask these guys why they won't respond realistically to our situation while an NDP rep. in Hamilton does. I emailed Levac in January and yet he made it sound in the paper the other day like he sprang into action as soon as he found out.
If we offer to take his picture maybe he'll come to the rally at the plant on Tuesday.
I'm not bitter, just senselessly unemployed.
On a good note, I got an email from Rob Mason today and he was encouraging. I would love to have Rob and some of the action committee posting on this blog. I think they would be more qualified than I am and their content would be of higher calibre as well.

Anyway Later, In Solidarity dave

Friday, April 27, 2007

More Intent

In the first installment of this blog I sort of expressed some of the intent behind it. Much of what I wrote was ad hoc because I was just setting the Nation up and a first post was part of the process. As it stands now, readers can leave comments by clicking on the comment link at the end of each post. If you have a specific announcement or something of interest to be posted, for now just write to me at :
and I will post it.
In the near future, as long as there is a trend for appropriate use, a number of contributers will be invited to become team bloggers and be given direct access to the blog as well as permissions to moderate comments. I spend enough time in my own head that I just know, no one else wants to see my thoughts published so I hope to see some good material contributed by the rest of you.

Don't forget the rally at the plant Tues. May 1 at 9:00 AM. Come and show support.

later Dave

Welcome To A New Reality

So anyway, at the Union portion of our meeting on April 26, someone asked Rob Mason if there was a web site where they could find out basically whats happening. I'm sorry but I missed who actually asked the question, but the reply was that no one has the time to set something like that up. I find this believable. The Union and others have been scrambling to put things together for us and I believe that they are doing well considering the foot dragging on the part of Brant's local politicians as well as the twilight zone atmosphere at the plant over the final few months.
Fortunately blogs are the new media and they do allow some reader input. The format, appearance and general tone of this blog may change as we develop a better concept of it's usefulness or uselessness but the main idea at the present is to provide a place where news of any sort relating to our post Genfast lives may be passed on.
If enough people are willing to check the blog for news, if enough are willing to contribute and if it begins to appear to be a good medium for spreading the news about our issues then maybe we can attract frequent postings by our executive.
Remember that the blog is not for blame casting or flaming people. It is for useful and true news. Remember also that what you write can be used as evidence and does not disappear when you sign off. Be responsible!
Get the word out, and lets see if this puppy can fly!

By the way, I'm just startng at blogging so expect imperfection.