I see that the boys have found another photo opportunity. This time the Expositor has caught them at The "Hike for Hospice" raising money for the St. Joseph's Lifecare Foundation. This is a very worthy charity.
Back when I was still employed, I made regular donations to United Way through the payroll deductions at Genfast. Most of us did. I made considerable donations through other institutions as well and it is disappointing to be unable to do that any longer.
This is another loss to the community, when employees that lose their jobs through government inaction, are forced to choose between the charities they want to support, and the needs of their own families. The inability to count on a regular cheque turns people with something to contribute, into people that need to use the very services they once supported. I'd like to ask Mr. Levac and Mr. St. Amand what their favourite charities will do, when a majority of Brantford's industrial demographic lose their jobs and end up on less than subsistance wages working for temp services. When our health care facilities are overwhelmed by voters who have no health care benefits, what will you do then?
This is my second plant closure and a third plant, I worked at has also closed. Most of us at Genfast have been though multiple closures and the plants being attracted to Brantford simply do not pay a living wage. What alternatives can our government offer us and how big a stink do we have to raise before they will begin to take honest action on our behalf.
Gotta go look for a job,..... later , dave
Hi Dave
I know alot of Genfast personel had payroll deductions to support United Way and other charities. The local also donated to the various charities. St. Joseph's Lifecare foundation is a worthy charity. I understand that we may be a little tight individually to donate money to a charity. What may or may not be possible, is that you/me may have more "time" available to dedicate to a charity or cause by volunteering.
But I do understand the point you are trying to make.
Good point Brian.
I was focused on the monetary aspect, but the volunteer side is also important. I have been looking at a few possibilities but I still wish I had the cash to help as well.
I can't help noticing that there is government money to build a nature trail while the food bank is short of funding.
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