Friday, May 11, 2007

Moving On

This from Brian:
Hi Dave

A few things.

The Hamilton Office for local 3767 is now closed down. The phone is
offline, and Bob Green has handed in the Locals Cellphone over to Frank
Arcuri of Local 4153. All information/communication will be done through
Local 4153 or with Rob Mason from today forward.

Frank Arcuri 905-545-8527

Rob Mason
905 545 3008 ext 32

I know you have this information, but it is important to get the message
out that our local office has officially closed.

I haven't spoken to Frank Arcuri, myself but Rob is 100% behind us. These guys represent you even though we are out on the street. They also represent every Steelworker retiree no matter how long you have been retired.
Don't forget that some faces that you do know will be getting the answers you need down at the action center Monday May 14 and onwards, just as promised.

later dave


Unknown said...

just wonder does anyone know if they started liquidating machinery and is MNP buying.


Dave Welsby said...

as far as I know, Rob Mason was asked this on Tuesday at the action center and his reply was that no, not at this time. If you remember at the creditors meeting the guy that looked like a SNL comedian said that the receivers were preparing a package to accurately assess the plants value. This was for liquidation valuation as well as for possible buyers. There are still some groups working toward a buyer but MNP has some possibly fraudulent claims on some major equipment and so it would appear that any movement will be tied up until the receivers can establish all titles. That could take quite a while. That's about all that I know but if I or anyone else hears something we'll post it.
later dave