Monday, June 4, 2007

Disallowance of claim????

I presume that most of you have received your notice of "Disallowance of Claim" from the "Superior Court".

This is a fairly misleading document in so far as it is from KPMG and not a court. They are still attempting to close us out of the right for severance.

They sent this document at the last possible moment so that we would not have time to find out what to do. Today I received it and today is the seventh or final day for me to respond.

Personally I sent notice to them by email indicating that I wished to appeal the loss of my severance and termination pays. I have also emailed Rob Mason at USW and hope to get something back from him.

If anyone has seen a lawyer regarding this matter or has some light to shine on it please share this with us. I can't afford a lawyer for every little notice that KPMG wants to send me.



Brian Van Tilborg said...

Dave, I do not have this document you speak of, nor have I seen it?

Could you get me a copy of this???

Brian Van Tilborg said...

Hi Dave

Thanks for emailing me the letter. I have also received another copy today from Mark Careswell. We faxed off these documents and Rob Mason is awaiting an official answer from Legal.

I haven't received this document yet, nor have I been flooded with calls asking what to do about it. So I am to think that the majority have yet to received this letter.