Friday, June 22, 2007

Open House a Success

I want to thank everyone who came out to the open house. There were close to 100 people who attended the event. Our goals were achieved. We received positive media coverage, and the article in the Expositor was successful in opening the doors to some potential new employment contacts.Both MPP Dave Levac and Mayor Mike Hancock attended the open house and presented Certificates of Congratulations.MP Lloyd St. Amand was held over in Ottawa but managed to send his regrets and a letter of appreciation.Rob Mason was there talking to individuals who wished to know what the USW on our behalfs.Steve Charest of King and Benton was there, along with TDG inc.We had enough food that was provided by the United Food and Commercial Workers to handle most of the volume and Rob Abbott made the dash to buy more hotdogs.Thanks to everyone who came out and to those who helped make this a success.

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