Saturday, June 16, 2007

Action Center Open House (OFFICIAL)

Action Centre Open House
Wednesday June 20th,
11:30am to 4pm.
Food and Beverages will be served.

You are all invited to attend our official open house. The purpose of this event is to publicize our location, phone, fax, internet contact to the business community. We want it to be easy for employers to find us, and call us when there is a job posting. We want to make it known that we have a good workforce and that there are training incentives available.

Confirmed to attend will be MP Lloyd St. Amand. MPP Dave Levac and Mayor Mike Hancock. An invitation will be sent out to the media. Also in attendance will be Rob Mason of the United Steel Workers.

Come out have a good time, and remember the purpose of this event is to get an edge in the job market.

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