Saturday, June 2, 2007

Rob Mason

I just got this today so I thought I'd better pass it along; This is from Rob regarding the ongoing effort that the USW is making on our behalf.


Hello Dave.

Today our Lawyers went to court in attempt to have the matter of the grievances I filed put before a judge. Hopefully we are successfull in our argument and all of the grievances I filed will be able to be put before an Arbitraitor very shortly. These were filed for all monies owed. This is just one of the multi prongs I spoke about but we are "cautiously optomistic" in our success. I just wanted to pass this along so everyone remains in the loop so to speak.

In Solidarity,

Rob Mason
USW Staff Representative


I don't envy Rob and the others for the job they have. They deal with us when we're angry and if they can't get what we want, then they receive our anger. They also hear the worst of the stories that emerge from plant closures and stand helpless in the face of our government's indifference to the suffering especially of our oldest pensioners, some of whom had never heard of Genfast until their benifits were terminated. If you bump into any of our union people, take a moment to say thanks!

later dave

1 comment:

Graham said...

I would like to thank Rob Mason and the Steelworkers for their efforts to resolve these monetary disputes. Hopefully they will be successful in their attempts.
