Monday, December 31, 2007

The New Year

Happy New Year to all former Genfast Slaves!!!

My wife and I are spending a quiet(broke) New Years at home with our grand-daughter and I realised that I should certainly add a note to the blog `regarding the New Year.

We certainly will remember the year past. Not in a good way for the most part but as I say in my blog profile, Genfast has given me the freedom to move on to something new and I hope, better.
I certainly miss the people if not the company.

This then is my prayer and hope for each of my former co-workers.
That whether you start slow or fast, I hope you each find that slot that you fit perfectly.
I hope that you enter a time in which you add value to others and are valued by others.
I hope you rediscover the passions that filled your early years and find a way to turn them into a life that rewards and nurtures peace in your being.
I hope you are all well and getting better and heading for a fantastic year.

Don't forget to share with us your successes.

Happy New Year


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