Monday, December 10, 2007

Joint Action Temp Agencies

Hello Brothers and Sisters

I am pleased that people are reading this site. I wouldn't know it until people starting contacting me regarding the previous temp posting. I also found it interesting that people read one or the other of the two ongoing blogs. I do try to post in both Genfast Blogs.

An action is being planned for next Monday. I have a time in mind and the intent is to work with some cities across Ontario.

I am keeping this rather vague for now, for two reasons. One being that I haven't finalized the details.

Anyone wishing to support this action should contact me directly. I would like to have a number of supporters present who have roughly an hour to spend.

This is the 1st step. We need to focus attention on to the growing number of temp agencies not only in Brantford (where I am told it is really bad) but in other cities. I have found like minded groups across southern Ontario. It is these groups that have formed an action plan.

I have offered to participate, providing there is enough local support for such and activity.

I will be participating in a conference call on Wednesday with the other groups who will be organization an action in their cities.

None of our groups have ever planned anything like this, but provided we get local participation, we believe this job action will be successful.

More details, give me a shout. I should know more after Wednesday.

Regardless, I will have a press release ready on Monday.

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