Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hamilton Specialty Bar

"Local 4752 has fought so hard to save Hamilton Specialty Bar for itsmembers and retirees. No one deserves a break more than they do." DePaulo said no details will be released until next Tuesday's 11 a.m.meeting at LIUNA Station on Barton Street in Hamilton. If accepted, Woodsidewill seek court approval for the purchase. If approved, the new plant wouldbegin to recall 120 workers with a view to bringing back more over time. In early May, Local 4752 President Bill Baker and several USW membersoccupied the plant, with Baker chained to a machine. The occupation ended whenthe company agreed to reinstate retirees' benefits, which had been ended inadvance of the closure. As well, the company agreed to provide activeemployees with vacation and unpaid wages. "Now we have an opportunity to build what we always knew were good jobsand a good product line," said Baker. "We also want to thank the community forsupporting us throughout this most recent struggle."

1 comment:

Brian Van Tilborg said...

I really hope this works out for the employees of Hamilton Specialty Bar and the City of Hamilton.

I want to thank Bill Baker for coming out to the Genfast Rallies and supporting us.