Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Go Brian

Brian Van Tilborg Seeks the Brant NDP Provincial Nomination

May 22, 2007

Brian Van Tilborg, a lifelong resident of Brant Riding today announced his intention to seek the NDP nomination for Brant Riding in the forthcoming Provincial Election. A Graduate of McMaster University with a BA in Labour Studies, today stated that the crises confronting manufacturing needs particular attention. Recent announced closings of Genfast, Bluebird, and Easton Coatings are examples of a crises situation.

Genfast, a company that was best in the area a few short years ago, has moved their fastener production to Michigan and BlueBird which manufactured buses is moving to Georgia. Even management recognizes the quality of the workforce, but praise doesn’t put bread on the table. Easton Coatings may become another example of the insufficiency of legislation governing plant closings and worker entitlement. I am today calling upon the Provincial and Federal Governments for emergency action to stop the closing until such a time as the impact can be analyzed and the interests of the employees protected. “All too often employees lose all of their accumulated benefits along with their jobs. This has got to stop.” One of the first things I intend to do when elected is to introduce legislation to deal with the impact of plant closures. “Two weeks notice for a plant closure is simply not enough time”. The Brant riding has a long history in manufacturing and Brant requires a strong retention program in the manufacturing sector or we are going to see more companies close their doors and relocate.

As a former Genfast Employee, I recognize the caliber of our employees, salaried staff, engineers, IT personnel and management. “Manufacturing has been one of Ontario’s greatest strengths. Why would we allow manufacturing to leave so easily, without seriously investigating the problems that face manufacturing today? “


Brian Van Tilborg said...

I was asked to speak at a Job Loss Rally in Hamilton today. There was a large rally outside city hall, then there was a forum inside.

There were many speakers, including, the new Mayor of Hamilton. Fred Eisenberger, Wayne Marsden, Andrea Horwath, Chris Charton, Scott Duvall (a new city councillor, and former USW President who invited us to there labour day events last year)and many more politicos as well as speakers from Plant Closures.
I was speaking solely on behalf of the experience faced at Genfast, and I focused upon MNP manipulations and our limited rights when under CCAA.

The other stories were not very encouraging either regarding "adjustment" from the workers who were "adjusted".

The rally and the forum, were well attended however, the absence of the press was well noted.

Brian Van Tilborg said...

I thought I should pass on that I met Doug Molton, who worked in the tool assembly dept at Genfast, at the rally. That was a nice surprise. Doug was at the rally supporting his wife and the others from COPE regarding the struggles they are having at First Ontario Credit Union.

Brian Van Tilborg said...

Super news that you are taking a serious run at the provincial seat. The Liberals have done nothing about the manufacturing and jobs crisis in Ontario and few can speak of this more effectively than you can. Carry your message with conviction and you will succeed.

Stay in touch, brother. Give my solidarity wishes to all the sisters and brothers in your local. I will always remember my meeting with all of you.

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