Tuesday, August 25, 2009

E.C.P. Strike One year in the trenches

The E.C.P strike is now over 1 year. On Sunday I spent some time on the line, the date marking 1 full year of picketing. The solidarity on that line is impressive. Good people of good character. No doubt a great workforce that has bonded with each other. I was treated to hamburgs, sausages, cabbages, pie, and more as they reflected 1 year outside the plant during one of the coldest winters and one of the wettest summers. Many many vehicles that drove by, honk their horns in support and people cheered.

But for me, there is something wrong with the entire situation.

The unbalanced nature of our Labour Laws combined with the command of Global, Foreign own companies and the power they wield over Canadian Operations and the governments of Canada and Ontario. Never before have I directly witnessed a strike for so long a period. Now more then ever, I understand the need to rebalance our labour laws and laws on foreign ownership in Canada.

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