Monday, December 31, 2007

The New Year

Happy New Year to all former Genfast Slaves!!!

My wife and I are spending a quiet(broke) New Years at home with our grand-daughter and I realised that I should certainly add a note to the blog `regarding the New Year.

We certainly will remember the year past. Not in a good way for the most part but as I say in my blog profile, Genfast has given me the freedom to move on to something new and I hope, better.
I certainly miss the people if not the company.

This then is my prayer and hope for each of my former co-workers.
That whether you start slow or fast, I hope you each find that slot that you fit perfectly.
I hope that you enter a time in which you add value to others and are valued by others.
I hope you rediscover the passions that filled your early years and find a way to turn them into a life that rewards and nurtures peace in your being.
I hope you are all well and getting better and heading for a fantastic year.

Don't forget to share with us your successes.

Happy New Year


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Action Centre Web Site

I received an email from Gibb Love today, asking me to post the Action Centre's web address.
Action Centre
This is a temporary site until a permanent provider is found. Gibb recommends the "barter board".
As some of you know, Gibb was working toward a certificate in web design so if any of you have aspirations toward a presence on the web, why not give Gibb a call?


Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Heartwarming Article in the Expositor.

I think a nerve was struck, for them to reply to a small demonstration in lil ole Brantford.

They try to put a positive spin on what they do. While they were unhappy with the Brantford Expositor article on Tuesday, they don't offer up anything different then what I said. They just say it differently so it sounds palatable to the general public reading the article.

Here is the link.

Ontario is only one of two provinces (New Brunswick is the other) that has an elect to work clause.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas Party Reminder

12 NOON Till Close
44 Elgin ST

519 752 3333


Labour Ready Rally/Brantford Expositor

For those of you out of towners or don't receive a copy of the Brantford Expositor here is a link to their story.

The Photographer who took the photo that is in the Newsprint edition captured the event perfectly, which does not appear in the online version.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Hello Dave

Thanks for coming out to the rally regardless of the bad weather. While you missed most of the festivities here is a quick rundown of what happened.

Well we did it again.

A successful rally, with supporters from various community groups managed to come out from winters blizzard and send a Seasons Greetings Messages to the Temporary Staffing Agencies.Also in attendance where a half a dozen former Genfast/Easton Coating employees, some who came in on the off shift of their new jobs, to show support in holding temp agencies accountable for their lack of holiday spirit.

Temporary Employment/Staffing Agencies do not pay stat holiday pay and some of those that do create rules that are below the minimum written in the Employment Standards Act.It was good to see men and women with their holiday festival red hats coming out to support the spirit of giving this Christmas/New Years Holiday.

Meanwhile, Labour Ready, the place we choose to bring our holiday cheer, were overcome by Scrooge like tendencies, heckling and cat calling us as we spoke. Their smiles turned to sneers and jeers when, we said that we hope they aren't engaging in acts that violate the employment standards. While reading various violations, that some temp agencies have been taken to task over, it appears we may have hit a nerve.

All in all a fun time was had by all.

Thanks to those who could come out under such difficult weather circumstances, and thanks to those who support us in the spirit of our actions and goodwill.

Oh Yes, and Dave, With that Red Hat on, I almost mistook you for someone else.... :)

Ho Ho Ho


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Temporary Employment Rally

Those interested in helping out and participating in a short rally should meet in the parking lot across from the action centre at between 10am and 10:15 Monday morning. A brief outline of where we are going in Brantford will be released. We plan to have a short rally at 11am in conjunction with 4 or 5 other cities in Ontario.

Crane Canada Closure

Crane Canada in Brantford has announced its closure for the 4th quarter of 2008

Christmas Holiday Party REMINDER

This is a reminder that the Christmas Party POTLUCK LUNCH will be at the STEELWORKER ACTION CENTRE on DECEMBER 19th, 2007. We will be closed from December 20th until January 2nd.

519 752 3333
44 Elgin ST

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Job Finding Club

The action centre will be hosting a Job Finding Club in the new year.With EI soon to expire, we felt that it is in our best interest to take on this program. As of this moment we can accomodate only 12 people. The success rate of this program is excellent.

To Register or have your spot held...Contact

Steelworker Action Centre 519 752 3333

Or come visit and we will register you here while you have a coffee
44 Elgin St.Brantford, Ontario

Monday, December 10, 2007

Joint Action Temp Agencies

Hello Brothers and Sisters

I am pleased that people are reading this site. I wouldn't know it until people starting contacting me regarding the previous temp posting. I also found it interesting that people read one or the other of the two ongoing blogs. I do try to post in both Genfast Blogs.

An action is being planned for next Monday. I have a time in mind and the intent is to work with some cities across Ontario.

I am keeping this rather vague for now, for two reasons. One being that I haven't finalized the details.

Anyone wishing to support this action should contact me directly. I would like to have a number of supporters present who have roughly an hour to spend.

This is the 1st step. We need to focus attention on to the growing number of temp agencies not only in Brantford (where I am told it is really bad) but in other cities. I have found like minded groups across southern Ontario. It is these groups that have formed an action plan.

I have offered to participate, providing there is enough local support for such and activity.

I will be participating in a conference call on Wednesday with the other groups who will be organization an action in their cities.

None of our groups have ever planned anything like this, but provided we get local participation, we believe this job action will be successful.

More details, give me a shout. I should know more after Wednesday.

Regardless, I will have a press release ready on Monday.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Temporary Employment Agencies

Something is brewing.

IF you are interested, stay in touch.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

MNP Corp

You might want to check out the MNP corp sight and see those formax's listed forsale.

Also forsale 152 tonnes of Rod.
