Friday, December 19, 2008


We are having a Christmas Party
249 Murray Street
12 NOONOpen during
Christmas Holidays
December 29th, 30th, 31st
9am to 1pm
All are welcome
See you there Dave :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another Perspective

I read with interest, Linda Montgomery's post about being laid off with nothing as opposed to the MPP's who are not financially afflicted at all. The two sided nature of our government's handling of various issues is a matter of long running affront to those who basically pay taxes and take the beating. I received an email, a few days ago, from friends in Christian ministry. They have seen a great deal of their own freedoms curtailed, in the name of religious and individual rights. The writer of this email has an interesting point as it applies to the law makers.(not the workers):


So if the Canadian government determines that it is against the law for the words 'under God' to be on our money, then, so be it.
And if that same government decides that the
'Ten Commandments'are not to be used in or on
a government installation, then, so be it.

I say, 'so be it,' because I would like to be a law abiding CDN citizen.
I say, 'so be it,' because I would like to think that smarter people than I are in positions to make good decisions.
I would like to think that those people have the Canadian public's best interests at heart.

Since we can't pray to God, can't Trust in God and cannot post His Commandments in Government buildings,
I don't believe the Government and its employees should participate in the Easter and Christmas celebrations which honor the God that our government is eliminating from many facets of Canadian life.
I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving, & Easter.
After all, it's just another day.
I'd like the ' CND Supreme Court to be in session on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter as well as Sundays.' After all, it's just another day.
I'd like the Senate and the House of Commons to not have to worry about getting home for the'Christmas Break'
After all it's just another day.
I'm thinking that a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved,
if all government offices & services would work on Christmas,Good Friday & Easter.
It shouldn't cost any overtime since those would be
just like any other day of the week to a government that is trying to be 'politically correct.'

In fact....

I think that our government should work on Sundays
(initially set aside for worshipping God...)
because, after all, our government says that it should be just another day....

What do you all think????

If this idea gets to enough people, maybe our elected officials will stop giving in to the 'minority opinions' and begin, once again,
to represent the 'MAJORITY' of ALL of the Canadian people.

SO BE IT...........

Expand EI benefits. Do the right thing

Follow the link and send and Email to our PM and other leaders on paid layoff.


Hello all former USW workers. The Steelworker Action Centre is seeing unprecedented traffic. From other plant closings, walkin traffic and some of us who made it home free are getting caught in the next wave of closures. There may be no escaping what is happening out there. In another note. Alumetco should catch the attention of any former Genfast Worker. Locked out since November and then the company declares Bankruptcy.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

MPs Laid off 7 weeks with Full Pay & Travel

In todays Expositor
Dear Editor

I find myself unemployed heading into the holiday season and not by choice. I will not be receiving EI or Christmas Holiday pay. The Prime Minister of Canada has chosen to lay himself and 307 MPs from the House of Commons until late January. This is by choice, and I can assure you, it will not feel like the layoff I recently received. The Prime Minister and the MPs will receive full pay, holiday pay, pension contributions, health care benefits, and all the regular parliamentary perks,including travel, accommodation, and living a life of luxury. Many people face a Christmas Holiday wondering how they are going to provide a healthy holiday dinner, Christmas gifts for their children, and are praying to the Lord that there is a stable job for next year. I could never afford to lay myself off or walk away from a job, because there is conflict at work. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, should not be rewarded with pay for shutting down his place of work. Neither should those MPs, who are laid off be rewarded with full parliamentary pay and privileges, until they return to work.
Linda Montgomery

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Unemployment worst in 26 years

It’s coming in like waves and I’m expecting the tidal waves soon.”
That was former New Democratic Party candidate Brian Van Tilborg’s reaction to figures released by a Statistics Canada labour force survey today that showed the unemployment rate in Canada rose to 6.3 per cent in November – the worst level in a quarter century.

Full Story Here

Friday, November 28, 2008


The third and final vacation pays are being sent out, from KPMG as ordered by the courts on October 27, 2008. People have been receiving them in the mail, so keep in touch if you have moved or not received your cheque.

Salaried, Contract and Bargaining Unit are entitled to the money.

I want to thank the USW for keeping the pressure on and continuing on our behalf.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas Party

We are having a Christmas Party
249 Murray Street
Open during Christmas Holidays
December 29th, 30th, 31st
9am to 1pm
All are welcome
See you there Dave :)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Hi there

Will get a little busier on the blogs. Catch some people up on some happenings.

So, enjoy your Halloween. I will be handing out candy.

Maybe dressed as a politician. They are scary aren't they?

Have fun


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Election Nite

Well done Brian.
Your efforts for the workers of Brantford are worthy of recognition.


Saturday, October 11, 2008


Brian Van Tilborg / Brant NDP
Campaign Election Night Party
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Echo Place Family Restaurant
781 Colborne Street East (near Echo Villa Avenue) Brantford, ON

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Brians Open House

Everyone is invited to my Campaign Office Open House

249 Murray Street
Call 519 751 9111

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Jack Layton Calls Brian Answers

Hello everyone.

I just want to talk about the phone call I had with Jack Layton. As you remember Jack set up a time to listen to us when he came to Brantford back in 07.

He never forgot.

He called me up, we talked about alot of things, especially with this riding. And he asked me to run for him, said I would make a great MP. "It would be great to work together" were his exact words.

My nomination to be the federal NDP candidate is this Saturday Morning at 11am at the Labour Centre 11oo Clarence Street.

Hey, I wanted an election like I wanted a hole in the head. I had my holidays booked to go up North and Celebrate with Jordan Szoke his newest Championships.

Now I am in a race of my own.

Everyone is invited to come out, NDP member or not, and support my nomination to be the Brant NDP Federal Candidate. See you thereBrian


Here is the information from the Expositor Article

Buy the paper. Worth every penny for that front page coverage.

Friday, September 5, 2008


USW AREA REP Tony Depaulo
will be holding an update meeting regarding our case before OLRB.

The Media will be in attendance.
10 AM
249 Murray Street
Steelworker Action Centre
Pass this information around, and email us if you will be in attendance.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ontario Labour Relations Board

A brief update on what went on yesterday.

2 hours were spent between the two parties, unable to agree that MNP corporation had any business (es) in Canada/Ontario. MNP is providing the "I know nothing" about Genfast defence. That Genfast is a separate bankrupt company that has nothing to do with them. The MNP lawyer provided a "hypothetical" situation that had an incredible similarty to the Genfast/MNP relationship, and disputed that even under this situation the OLB has any jurisdiction as they are an American Company.

The MNP tactic is to block. Stop the argument at ownership vs control.

I wanted to jump out of the visitors chair on a number of occasions.
People from the salaried and union were in attendance watching this unfold.

I believe the USW wishes to have an update with our membership before the next hearing date.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

USW Court Case Genfast

You are encouraged to attend.

Wednesday August 27th,
505 University Ave. 10am
MNP/Genfast will be putting up a Defence/fight.
Please show your support.

For more information
USW Contact 905 545 3008
or the action centre.

Bob Green, Drago will be coming from the Grimsby Direction.Others from Toronto Area And some of us From Brantford.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Training Funds

If you are interested in College, Training, Specialty courses, and help with your current training program, come in to the Action Centre. We have a training fund for you. We are here to help.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympic Diversion

Ricks Son Kevin is racing on Friday August 15th at 7am

See it live on the web

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Liberal Manufacturing Report

Thursday, 07 August 2008
Queen’s Park - Ten months of work on a report that was supposed to assist Ontario’s hard-hit manufacturing sector has turned out to be much ado about nothing for the McGuinty Liberals, said NDP Leader Howard Hampton.
“There’s nothing here,” said NDP Leader Howard Hampton. “Seventy pages of fluff isn’t going to help the tens of thousands of manufacturing workers who have lost their jobs since Dalton McGuinty came to office. This so-called report is an insult to the workers who lost their jobs. It’s no wonder there were no photo-ops when this report came out,” said Hampton.
Shortly after the 2007 provincial election, backbench Liberal MPP David Ramsay was asked to write the report looking into the challenges and opportunities facing Ontario’s manufacturing sector. The report was hailed in the 2008 budget as proof of the government’s commitment to finding solutions to the manufacturing crisis that has now claimed more than 200,000 jobs across Ontario.
Under the cloak of a long summer weekend, the report mysteriously appeared late last Friday afternoon.
“The so-called strategy outlined in the report suggests that a marketing strategy is the solution to Ontario’s manufacturing woes. Maybe David Ramsay should have consulted with the workers getting the pink slips - they know all too well that real economic policies create jobs, not gimmicky marketing campaigns,” said Hampton

Friday, August 1, 2008

Action Centre Closed for Civic Holiday

The Action Centre
Will be closed on
Monday August 4th.
We will reopen on Tuesday August 5th.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fred Kavanagh

Some of you may be aware that Fred Kavanagh recently had a stroke.
His relatives have indicated that he is able to see visitors.
Fred is currently

on the 3rd floor
St. Peters Hospital
88 Maplewood ave.
Hamilton, Ontario.
For those wanting to drop in.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Successful Move

We have moved into our new location.
Everything was set up and working within 22 hours.

Not bad at all. Traffic has been steady, and we haven't even had alot of opportunity to make it known that we have moved.

Make certain you pass around the info to anyone you meet, that we have moved.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Moving Date

We are moving FROM
44 Elgin ST
249 Murray ST

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The Action Centre is moving to a larger facility. We will need help to move to our new location.

We are moving to
The Bargain Centre Building
249 Murray Street (Corner of Sheridan)

Contact US 519 752 3333

About 4 blocks from our Current Location.
Plenty of Parking. Easy Access.

All other information will remain the same.

(Nearest Historical Landmark)
Beer Store on Murray and Grey.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


We will be relocating the Action Centre this Month before July 28th.
We are looking at some offices in the upstairs portion of the K&B facility we are currently in, as well as checking out other locations in the city.

We will update you as soon as the final decision has been made.


Friday, July 4, 2008

Action Centre

More changes coming this MONTH. Keep checking here for updates.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Round Top Letter to editor

All workers in same boat when company closes
Posted 9 hours ago
On behalf of the United Steel Workers, I wish to express my solidarity with all the employees of Round Top windows. The Expositor articles of June 14 and June 23, both set off alarm bells about the state of our manufacturing base, but also captured my sympathies for employees who find themselves joining the ranks of 200,000 displaced employees across this province.
Not receiving your last paycheque when you need it the most is a frustrating experience and I do not wish such hardship upon any family.
It troubles me to discover that former coworkers from Genfast along with the spouses of my former Genfast family have been directly affected by another manufacturer declaring bankruptcy. When an operation closes or declares bankruptcy, all employees are in the same boat.
I have spoken with many of the people affected by this closure, salaried and hourly alike and I understand from personal experience the obstacles that may lie ahead of them under such stressful conditions. I am also very aware of the significant amount of community help and services available in our city and surrounding region. The employees of Round Top know that they can contact me at any time.
Brian Van Tilborg Co-ordinator, Steelworker Action Centre

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Round Top Closing

It happened quickly and abruptly.

An announced closure followed by receivership. People without their paychecks, and of course some surprises.

Jaque Cormier a former forman from Genfast got stung with this one.

And Graham Jones spouse worked their as well.

But their is a private members bill to focus on deodorant smells, if that makes them feel any better.


The Action Centre will be closed

TUESDAY JULY 1st for Canada Day.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Barbecue and Pot Luck.. Saturday June 21st

The Action Centre is having a Barbecue and Pot Luck Lunch
June 21st
11am to 2 pm
44 Elgin St.Brantford, Ontario

Welcome Saturday June 21st for a general get together for all the people of CRANE, AMCAN, EASTON COATINGS and GENFAST.

You are welcome to drop into the centre even if for the first time or to renew old aquaintances and networking.

Donations of Hotdogs, Hamburgers and Buns prior to this event will be appreciated.

PS. Prior to the Genfast Plant Closure, some of us were working on a Motorcycle ride. Your bikes are welcome Saturday, maybe an impromptu ride will happen.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Easton Coatings Severance Payout

Former Employees of Easton Coatings severance cheques went out before May 31st. If you are reading this and you are a former Easton Coatings employee, and have not received your severance pay,contact:

Rob Mason
USW Regional Rep.
905 545 3008

I want to thank Dale Rivers for putting in a lot of effort to make direct contact with many of the Easton Employees to make certain their contact information was accurate.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Victoria Day

The Steelworker Action Centre will be closed

Monday April 19th


Tuesday April 20th, 9am until 5pm

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

USW recruiting drive

People needed to help out.

Location: Brantford

Wednesday, May 14th
6:15am to 7:15 am
2:15pm to 3:15 pm
Contact Steve Mckinnon.
905 545 3008 ext 34
1 800 776 4236 ext 34

Friday, May 2, 2008

Another Genfast Employee makes FRONT PAGE

Ron Beal in the Brantford Expositor.

Front Page.

No online version yet.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Peer Helper Training

We will be holding another round of Peer Helper Training

MAY 14th, 2008
44 Elgin St.

Friday, April 25, 2008

FORD Applications

Don't have a friend at FORD?

Can't find application online?

We have them here$32/hrSteelworker Action Centre



Don't wait....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fork Lift Mechanic Needed.

Contact the Action Centre for more information

Lost Contact

There are some Former Genfast Employees whose phones are no longer in service under the old phone number lists.Because of the T4, Pension Information, etc.. it would be beneficial to have these new phone numbers.

If you are reading this and have changed your address or phone number or know of someone who has (there has been alot of movement), please forward that information to us.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Pension Information

I received my Pension information from Price Waterhouse on Friday.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Provincial Liberals Stick it to Workers

Derek Price forwarded this article from Hamilton.
The bill to protect wages, etc was to be debated and then go to a third reading.

The Committee shelved it....

Does this government do nothing to help secure the wages/severance/vacation pay of anyone but themselves?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Genfast Pension Information

Price Waterhouse has indicated that they are sending out Pension information within the next 2 weeks.

If someone receives their package, please let us know.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Genfast Closure April 5th 2007

No Gatherings, Nothing to Celebrate......

We will be having a get together on a more positive light in the very near future. I intend to send a update and newsletter as soon as is possible.

I have been very busy as the Action Centre and doing the public speaking circuit. We even had CBC interest a few weeks back.....

Genfast Stories are still being spoken of in other papers as plants in cities such as Kitchener, Windsor and Hamilton Close.

The Action Centre has been running an excellent beginners computer literacy course, which I am taking as well. So many things I could do better and faster have been learned.

As you are aware the Steelworker Action Centre has been extended for another year. We are busy and have lots of traffic. This even surprises the heck out of me. We have kept track with most of the locals, (Brantford Residents) and get lots of hearsay from people talking with the out of towners.

Keep in touch we are always available. I will try to post more frequently for those people outta town to know what is going on.

I also direct you to the steelworker action centre web page created by Gibb Love.

He has alot of the information posted there on what is going on, currently, as well as contact information that may or may not be on the two main blogs.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Genfast Golf Tournament

Where: Knollwood

When: June 7th

Contact: Jeff Smith
519 758 9437
80 Elm St.
Brantford, N3R 4V2
Cost: $46

Jeff and Lou have been contacting people regarding the tournament, please spread this information to other Former Genfast, Retired Genfast/Stelco employees.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Essential Skills and Computer Training

To be held at

44 Elgin St
Steelworker Action Centre


Week One: March 25, 26, 27, 28 (Tues. - Fri.)> 9 a.m - 2:30 p.m
Week Two: March 31, April 1, 2, 3 (Tues. - Fri.)> 9 a.m - 2:30 p.m
Week Three: April 8, 9, 10, 11 (Tues. - Fri.)> 9 a.m - 2:30 p.m

Monday, March 17, 2008

Steelworker Action Centre Holiday Hours

We will be closed

Easter Friday

We will be OPEN

Easter Monday

Monday, March 10, 2008

Hamilton Rally Update

Special Guest Speakers

Howard Hampton
Paul Miller

Rally in Hamilton

There is a Rally at the AM CAN Plant

10:30 AM

All AM CAN, GENFAST and EASTON COATINGS Personell are welcome to attend.

10 Hillyard
Hamilton Ontario

There is a vehicle leaving from the parking lot near 44 elgin st.

Computer Literacy Information Session

We are having a computer literacy information session on Friday, March 14th, at 11am.

Steelworker Action Centre
44 Elgin

This will not be a long information session. If you are interested we will run the course even for 1 person.

For more information call 519 752 3333

Friday, February 29, 2008

Steelworker Action Centre

The Steelworker Action Centre will be in operation for another year.

If you are looking for
Receiver Information
Severance Information
Pension Information
Retirement Information
Career Information
Training Funds
Job Postings
Job Leads

and help from the friends you worked with...Drop in and see us

Bob Havens has offered to donate coffee. It's on him..... Free Coffee.

Who can use the Centre.
Anyone laid off within the last 2 years from ANY USW workplace.
You may use the services of the action centre even if you are working/retired/semi retired or in a training program.

Anyone Salaried, or Bargaining Unit from....
Genfast Manufacturing
Easton Coatings
Crane Canada

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Genfast Employees Front Page Expositor News

There must be something about Genfast and the Plant Closure that attracts a good story for the media.


FRONT PAGE NEWS just a few weeks back, Glen Camilleri house is Robbed of worldly goods and tools for the business he was starting up.

THUMBS UP!!!FRONT PAGE NEWS Expositor covers Craig Hill and his son in their canoe after a heavy rainfall melts the snow on their property in the city. Good thing he had a paddle.

Thumbs DOWN

3rd Page News, Gibb Love is ripped off by Danjay College. No Canoe No Paddle...

Yup, we know the creek....

I have found it coincidental how newsworthy many of us have become after the closure.

I don't have the links to the expositor for these stories, but you can google the Brantford
Expositor and search for the stories if you like.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

T4 Slips USW 4153

T 4 Slips from Local 4153 formerly (3767) for Genfast, were sent out late last week. Expect them in the mail this week.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

3rd Reading!!!

Forwarded to me from Derek Price.

I have to say, at least someone is trying something... More then I am aware of regarding our local Rep... I have yet to see Dave Levac, jump in and coauthor an Employment bill, like he has for other causes.

February 16, 2008 Naomi Powell


Employers should pay into a rainy day fund that would cover severances for workers when companies fail, says Hamilton East-Stoney Creek MPP Paul Miller.The proposal comes after recent plant closures at Genfast Manufacturing, Hamilton Specialty Bar and Amcan Castings left workers without the wages, severance and vacation pay they were owed."As the economy struggles and there's more trouble in the States, we need something in place now to protect the working people of this province," Miller said yesterday.The fund -- the focus of a bill now approaching a third and final reading at Queen's Park -- would be administered by an appointee of the lieutenant-governor. It would work like an insurance policy, with employers paying regular premiums based on the wage costs.Final details, including how much employees might contribute to the premium, have yet to be decided. Miller says most of the fine points will be worked out when the proposal goes before a legislative subcommittee. The fund would be voluntary, he added, with workers voting on whether to participate."This is a type of social safety net," he said. "This would tide people over and give them money to retrain for new jobs."About 200 workers at Brantford's Genfast Manufacturing are still owed $8 million in severance, termination and vacation pay after the plant closed last year, union officials say. Workers at Amcan Castings saw only 70 per cent of their severances covered after that plant announced plans to liquidate last fall. And 360 employees of Hamilton Specialty Bar, since revived by new owners, never received the severance pay they were owed when the Sherman Avenue North plant closed last summer.Though he agrees with the bill in principle, Bill Baker, president of the United Steelworkers local at Hamilton Specialty Bar, says he is anxious for more details. "The question I'd have is whether my workers' premiums will be set aside for them or put into a bigger pool. That fund could be drawn down pretty quickly otherwise."Conservative labour critic Bob Bailey, whose caucus voted against the bill in its second reading, argued the fund would discourage new business investment in the province by adding regulatory hurdles.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

T4s and KPMG

T4 Slips have been arriving from KPMG.

I want to thank Derek Price for giving the Action Centre the contact at KPMG.

We have a Contact Name and phone # for those needing to contact KPMG.

Action Centre Phone #519 752 3333

Monday, February 4, 2008

Action Centre Needs Assessment

Peer Helpers have been making contact via the phone for a new needs assessment. If you have missed a call, message or haven't been contacted in 2008 regarding what you may need, don't hesitate to contact us.

Btw you can always visit just to keep in touch.

There are some who are interested in starting their own businesses and projects.

Check out the Steelworker Action Centre Websites Barter Board. To add your name to the list, send Gibb Love an Email, and it will go up.

We are into the last week of the Job Finding Club.
This has been an effective way to find work.
In the first 2 weeks, roughly 40% of the club was working.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Action Centre and Job Finding Club

The Job Finding Club has been well attended. While doing this myself, and having my own doubts at the start. I am very encouraged. One member of the club has already been hired. Many of us have had interviews, some on their 2nd. So far so good.

The Action Centre has been steady as usual with only one slower day this week. Rob Abbott was a pretty lonely guy helping us out.

The rest of the week was pretty busy here.

Don't forget to drop in have a look while on your travells whether you are looking for a job or already have one or have retired.

I was just in contact today with Rob Rowe who I hadn't heard from since the closure.

I hope your reading this Rob, that way you can keep in touch with what some of us are doing.

And don't forget about Graham Jones Blog either. Genfast Updates.

Another thing, is that I have gotten to know alot of people from Easton Coatings, particularly this week. I hope others from there read here every now and again and know they are welcome to drop into the centre and use the services here. This is a place for you too and you can keep up to date on others.

The City of Brantford has contacted me.

Millrights, Machinists, Mechanics (skilled Trades) are in demand. I know that some of you guys are in school upgrading or maybe your new job is closing up shop too.

Keep your co workers in mind, let them know if you see them, to keep us informed of their current status.

Moving Along!

I was at an Enterprise Brant workshop on Tuesday. It was packed. A lot of people are considering the option of starting a business as opposed to looking for a job. Some are in a position as a result of different factors of being unable to find work. I believe that the job club that Brian mentioned earlier in this blog is a good thing for those still actively looking. It rapidly expanded to double the original size so many obviously are interested. I certainly wish them the best. 20 more employed people is good news for everyone. It is also 20 more people on the inside that might remember those still looking.I gave it some serious thought myself but I think that an alternate plan is more suitable for me. As a result, I stopped by the Action Centre today and dropped off a stack of reference books relating to Industry Canada and job hunting. These may be of interest or even inspirational to those still of that frame of mind. I still intend to look, but the long parade of No,No,No, won't be the centre of my existence from here on in. I have an idea. I'm hoping to get some good advice through the S.E.B. program but of course they need to approve me yet. I may need some people so stay tuned for developments.

more later.....................dave

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Job Finding Club Expansion

We have expanded the number in the Job Finding Club from 10 to 20 people.
We now have over 10 confirmed and will accomodate those interested in finding a job.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Job Finding Club

The Job Finding Club is starting

MONDAY JANUARY 21st, 2008,


You need to register with the ACTION CENTRE to join.

This program is only for those who want employment.
I will be sending in the final list on FRIDAY JANUARY 18th.
It is nearly full.

Contact the Action Centre to reserve your spot,
44 Elgin ST.Brantford, Ontario
519 752 3333

I am joining the club.

We will be meeting at 136 Dalhousie Street, suite 111Brantford, Ontario

Friday, January 4, 2008

First Aid

First Aid
January 16th -17th, 2008 (WED/THURS)
340 Henry Street

If you have signed up, call to confirm.
519 752 3333

If you wish to register call us ASAP.

Peer Helper Training

Peer Helper Training will be held for one day only.

Thursday January 10th 2008.Sign up is limited to 6 people.

If you are interested in becoming a peer helper, contact the action centre.


The Action Centre is working on the final details for the job finding club.

The Job finding club is NOT FREE, nor part of the REGULAR government services in the region.

The Action Centre is evaluating the proposals put forth to meet our goals.I believe we will only be able to support 10 people.

The Action Centre is budgeting for this program. We wish to get it started ASAP.

These programs have previously demonstrated an extremely high success rate.
There currently is NO SUCH PROGRAM in BRANTFORD.
We will be contracting this out, and have yet to determine a provider.
If you are still very serious about finding work, this is the program to look at.
If you are comfortable how you are, or are happy with temps, or have found you wonder job, you need not apply.
This is a 3 week program.
We have scheduled it to try to accomodate those who will be, or soon will be running out of EI or have been working and now find themselves laid off.
Do not waste any time, come into the centre and sign up for this course.
The start date has yet to be established, along with the service provider.
I am very intrigued by this program, and I have every reason to believe that those who enter it, will be employed in short order.
If you have a good work ethic, and still need to find a good job.

Official Signup begins MONDAY JANUARY 4th, 2008At the Centre.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Local Jobs

There have been a significant number of new jobs in the local region advertised on various job search sites.Many of these are direct hires and not temp.

GO online asap to check these jobs out, or drop into the action centre, we have them posted.